Adding Banner Ads to your Business Listings

This is a tutorial on adding banner ads to your business listings:

  1. If you are uploading an old banner ad with an old size, get this ready in a folder on your computer.  If it’s a newer bigger banner, have this ready as a .jpg or .gif image.
  2. Log into the backend of the website
  3. Go to and click on ‘All Banner Ads in the backend’
  4. If you want to edit a banner ad already listed, click on ‘edit’ – otherwise click on the ‘add new’ button at the top of the screen.
  5. When creating a new banner ad, fill in the following fields: Add an appropriate title so that when searching for it in the future, you can easily find it.
  6. If the client has a website, enter it in the ‘ad link’.  Make sure the link has an http:// in from of it (not just www.) otherwise it will error and not allow you to save the ad.  If the client does not have a website, just leave it blank.
  7. Select what category(s) you want the banner ads to display in.  You can check off as many categories as you want.
  8. Check off all locations you want the banner ad to show up in.  Again, you can check off as many locations as you want.
  9. In the ‘positions’ box, enter either ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’ where you want the banner displayed.  Horizontal places the banner horizontally at the top – vertical is the skyscraper banner on the right hand side of the listings.
  10. Lastly, to upload your banner, click on ‘set featured image’ and from here upload it to your computer and select it.
  11. Lastly, publish (save) the banner ad.
  12. Once this is done, verify that the banner ad is correctly displaying in the assigned categories and locations.  If it isn’t, follow the above steps to ensure that all has been done correctly to debug.
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